Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Work Groups

On Monday we divided our class of 17 students into different groups to get this project done! The documentation group consists of Carrie Gates, Jennifer Kim, Jen Knowles, Jen Chan, Kelsey Lyon and Meagan Greenwalt. We're in charge of this blog, letting people know about our project and keeping track of all that's going on. The Second Life group consists of Brandon Gamm, Shanae Phillips, Nick Nguyen, Nancy Guevara and Mike Yu. They are in charge of designing the project in Second Life and figuring out the logistics of working with Second Life. The cube group consists of Giulio Yaquinto, Teddy Vuong, Joseph Wilborn, J.M. Longoria, Jelisa Blumberg and Angela Wen. They are in charge of the final design of the cube space.

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